Opening Hour

Hours M-Th 8:00-6:30 Eastern

ADR 1 :2414 Pulaski-Giles Turnpike Pearisburg, VA. 24134

ADR 2 :2414 Pulaski-Giles Turnpike Pearisburg, VA. 24134

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Walther PPS

The "Police Pistol Slim" follows the legendary PPK.
Equipped with unique Walther features such as the patented QuickSafe?, variable magazine capacities and variable backstrap sizes, the Walther PPS is a worthy successor to the legendary PPK - the Polizei Pistole Kriminal. Despite its large caliber of 9x19 or 40 S&W, the PPS is a pistol with extremely slim dimensions - in the classic Walther design. The highest possible safety is paired with a high degree of comfort during concealed carry.
It's like the PPS was locked:
Walther QuickSafe? Safety redefined: The partially cocked striker assembly is decocked simply by removing the backstrap. The removed backstrap therefore doubles as a "key". Without it, the pistol can't be fired! So when the backstrap and the pistol are stored separately, the PPS is safeguarded against unauthorized use.
Walther QuickSafe?:
maximum safety can be that easy! Variable frame length and magazine capacity. With three magazines of differing length (6, 7 & 8 rounds), the frame length can be perfectly adjusted to the individual hand size.

Technical Data PPS


Parts Diagram, Exploded View PPS (pdf)

PPS holsters in stock
