The "Police Pistol Slim" follows the legendary PPK.
Equipped with unique Walther features such as the patented QuickSafe?, variable magazine capacities and variable backstrap sizes, the Walther PPS is a worthy successor to the legendary PPK - the Polizei Pistole Kriminal. Despite its large caliber of 9x19 or 40 S&W, the PPS is a pistol with extremely slim dimensions - in the classic Walther design. The highest possible safety is paired with a high degree of comfort during concealed carry.
It's like the PPS was locked:
Walther QuickSafe? Safety redefined: The partially cocked striker assembly is decocked simply by removing the backstrap. The removed backstrap therefore doubles as a "key". Without it, the pistol can't be fired! So when the backstrap and the pistol are stored separately, the PPS is
safeguarded against unauthorized use.
Walther QuickSafe?:
maximum safety can be that easy! Variable frame length and magazine capacity. With three magazines of differing length (6, 7 & 8 rounds), the frame length can be perfectly adjusted to the individual hand size.
Technical Data PPS